ZetaTalk: 曬傷

寫於十二月十一日, 2005



在2003年夏季,人們注意到更容易曬傷,建築工人長期習慣於戶外工作,注意到某種不尋常的曬黑趨勢。那年作物也在許多地方早熟兩個星期,而且關於太陽的強烈亮度之議論是常見的。2004年期間,這看起來好像消失了,但現在這些同樣的徵候和議論已經回復了。什麼變了?2004年期間,X行星它的北極曾經往太陽的南極黏附,而因此尾部朝向太陽飄蕩。但如同我們曾說明過的,一個二百七十度滾動(270° roll)是預定的,X行星將轉動到向外指出它的北極的地方,隨著它穿越黃道─太陽的腰部,以和黃道上方的磁性流動線(magnetic flow lines)調準。如此這般,尾部將再次開始指向地球,而許多那年曾經歷過的現象將回復。

這將意謂什麼呢?增加中的火流星和殘骸進入地球的大氣。無疑的,增加中的紅色塵埃,以及一個血紅月亮和在屋頂和車頂上的沉澱物這所有它的徵兆。因為這尾部是磁化的、帶電的,這將隨著它存在於大氣中再次影響地球的磁場。地球的核心在這時對來自太陽的較強大的支配反應而其次是來自於X行星的,但大氣卻受到飄蕩中的尾部之支配,從而戲劇性事件可以發生。在2003年,有一段電浪湧(electrical surges)和電力中斷(outages)的時期,影響遍及全球各國。這可能會重新發生,因這是帶電的尾部所造成的。霓虹雲─著上紅色而且看起來像在發光,在那時可見到,而這些和其他大氣的展示將被產生。

什麼引起了曬傷─那沒有被轉化成為增加的熱度而且無法與太陽活動或太陽黑子關聯的強烈光輝?某個霧堤(Fog bank),隨著某道光在它上面顯示出來,看起來像是均勻的光,因為這光是散亂的了並彈跳回觀察者。有更多光在那裡,或只不過是散亂的光?一道彩虹在好幾階的光譜中發散出光是因為它被雲中的水彎曲向觀察者,但通常白光因著所有的光在光譜中是可得的而佔優勢。如果太陽不再是黃色的,這是因為所有的光線散亂了,而黃色的穩定狀態被干擾了。在某個彩虹現象的期間,沒有額外的熱產生,也並非當光的反射被散亂時熱度的差異被注意到。



Signs of the Times #63
Why are the suns rays burning and tanning worse these days? I was outside for just a few hours the last 2 days [June 25, 2003] and it wasn´t that hot and I got quite a tan, not really burned red like years past, but how can you get tanned so fast? I remember 20 years ago it took a good 6 weeks to get a tan. I was moving and not laying in the sun too. [and from another poster] Yes in Quebec Sun look more white and give tan so quick. Too bright and the summer just start. [and from another poster] This thing gets brighter every day at http://www.stephenville.com/weather.asp Much more than last week. Last week I could look at this and wait to make out the sun and see it. Now I cannot even see a Sun now with all of this brightness. Same as Santorini webcam.
Signs of the Times #75
I have noticed the that the sun is huge. Does the sun grow in size? I have pics. Taken on different days same approx. time. Big differnce in size. The sky seems white washed [June 30, 2003]. I have worked outside in Florida for eighteen years, and Iam telling you something is up with the sun. [and from another poster] I´m in northern Virgina. No rainbow here, but the sky has that bright-white hard, hazy glare that makes your eyes water to look at. Can´t tell how many suns are there, but it´s bright - whatever it is.
Signs of the Times #81
The red dust in Florida is coming in now more so then before. When I took the Moon shot tonight [July 2, 2003] I noticed the clouds are very reddish now after sunset. There is also a large dark cloud that has been hanging over the western horizon after sunset the past 3 days. There was a tremendous red halo surrounding the Moon tonight as well. [and later] The red dust is coming in thick here on the West Coast of Florida. Tonight [July 3, 2003] the dust is even thicker then last night and is beginning to settle on the cars here. Every Cloud in the sky is red just after sunset. The planet must be moving at great speed now. I wonder how long before the media and the common folk pick up on this? [and from another email] For the last few weeks, I've been watching the sunsets [July 3, 2003] here in north Missouri. I have never seen them redder in my entire life. [and from another email] This picture of Red Skies is taken from a webcam [July 4, 2003 Noon] in Fraena in the north west of Norway.
Signs of the Times #80
I am a farmer in Illinois. Many of my friends have been commenting on how unusually bright the sun has been this summer [July 1, 2003]. I have noticed this as well. Despite a relatively cool growing season so far, our crops are well advanced for this time of year. This photo of last evening's Sunset is unusual because it is never this bright at sunset. [and from another email] The cherry crop matured about two weeks early here in Northern Utah [July 3, 2003] and then suddenly after a big rain last week they began to burst. Farmers have never seen anything like this. Something is definitely happening.
Signs of the Times #115
While at breakfast this morning [July 14, 2003] with friends from work, two guys mentioned that the Sun seemed extremely bright lately and was making it very difficult to drive during the morning and evening commute. They have been making the same drive for years and can't remember a time when they had so much trouble seeing the road.




原文見 ZetaTalk: Sun Scald - http://zetatalk.com/index/zeta254.htm